The Fleet Manager’s Guide to Fleet Management Software

The Fleet Manager’s Guide to Fleet Management Software

Fleet management software was designed to improve the workload of fleet managers and their staff, but choosing the right system for your unique fleet can feel overwhelming. As a fleet organisation’s operational complexity increases, so does the need for streamlined maintenance management procedures. Modern strategies that boost productivity, responsiveness and asset efficiency while simultaneously raising…

Press Release: AssetWorks Certified as DVSA Earned Recognition Supplier

Press Release: AssetWorks Certified as DVSA Earned Recognition Supplier

Manchester, United Kingdom, 13 April, 2021 AssetWorks, a leading provider of fleet and asset management software in the United Kingdom, announced its certification as an IT supplier for DVSA Earned Recognition. The DVSA earned recognition scheme for vehicle operators helps prove their fleet organisation meets driver and vehicle standards. The scheme is designed to share…

Press Release: AssetWorks Launches FuelFocusEV Electric Vehicle Management Software

Press Release: AssetWorks Launches FuelFocusEV Electric Vehicle Management Software

Manchester, UK, 30 March, 2021 AssetWorks, a leading provider of fleet, fuel and asset management software solutions, announced today the launch of their latest product offering, FuelFocusEV. FuelFocusEV is an enterprise class, cross-EV software platform designed to manage all electric vehicle charging data for fleets across the public and private sectors. “Electricity is mostly invisible— until…

Press Release: Simon West-Oliver Joins AssetWorks as Sales Director

Press Release: Simon West-Oliver Joins AssetWorks as Sales Director

Manchester, United Kingdom, 11 March, 2021 AssetWorks, a leading provider of fleet and asset management software in the United Kingdom, announced the hiring of Simon West-Oliver as Sales and Business Development Director. Simon West-Oliver joins the AssetWorks team to help build on their growing success as a global fleet management software provider. West-Oliver is well-known as…

Using LCA to Prepare Your Fleet for Electric Vehicles

Using LCA to Prepare Your Fleet for Electric Vehicles

Life-cycle cost analysis helps fleet managers measure the long-term economic sustainability of their assets and prepare for the future. Due to recent decarbonisation efforts, fleets are looking to invest in electric vehicles and charging infrastructure, but major investments cannot be made without precise planning and data cleanup. It is recommended that fleet managers utilise life-cycle…

A Royal Thank You for Royal Mail

A Royal Thank You for Royal Mail

Royal Mail, a long time AssetWorks customer and FleetFocus user, received a heartfelt and regal thank you from King Charles himself. In a four-minute, sit-down video message, the King recanted the heroism and often thankless sacrifice that the Royal Mail postmen and women exhibit everyday to ensure that parcels, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and COVID-19…

Inside Look: Capital Asset Management Software

Inside Look: Capital Asset Management Software

Many fleet management organisations today do not accurately track vehicle life cycle costs or analyses. Instead, they rely on non-integrated platforms, like spreadsheets or even paper systems, to make important decisions for the fleet as a whole. With AssetWorks Capital Asset Management (CAM), fleets no longer have to wonder if their vehicle and asset data…

How to Decarbonise Your Fleet Webinar

How to Decarbonise Your Fleet Webinar For fleets across the United Kingdom, decarbonisation is key to achieving long-term sustainability goals. In this webinar, AssetWorks’ Nick Bridle and Simon West-Oliver walk us through: An in-depth look at the state of the fleet industry in the UK How to replace aging vehicles with alternative fuel vehicles The types of data organisations should…