A Royal Thank You for Royal Mail

Drones eye view looking down on a Royal mail postal sorting depot in England showing lorries and vans being loaded
Drones eye view looking down on a Royal mail postal sorting depot in England showing lorries and vans being loaded

Royal Mail, a long time AssetWorks customer and FleetFocus user, received a heartfelt and regal thank you from King Charles himself. In a four-minute, sit-down video message, the King recanted the heroism and often thankless sacrifice that the Royal Mail postmen and women exhibit everyday to ensure that parcels, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and COVID-19 test kits are distributed to everyone that needs them. During the video message, the King brought up some incredible statistics:

  • Royal Mail has sent over one billion items of PPE to the National Health Service (NHS) and adult social care settings.
  • They have safely collecting the completed test kits from a network of over 35,000 priority post-boxes, seven days a week
  • They have worn peppy, spirited outfits (like favourite comic book characters) to not only raise the spirits of those who see them but to also raise thousands of pounds for charitable organisations
  • King Charles specifically recalled the time that he visited the Cirencester Delivery Office and witnessed the workers in Christmas-themed outfits and costumes, faithfully organising mail for Father Christmas: “an absolutely essential service for [our] children.” Royal Mail’s dedication to preserving a sense of normalcy and good spirits contributes to the well-being of the communities (and their children!) that they serve.

The King went on to praise Royal Mail for their legacy of hard work and service. “Ladies and Gentleman, the Royal Mail is a service that has been delivered for more than 500 years, but in the last 12 months, you have proven that your work remains utterly vital.” Every day, we tend to take basic services like plumbing, electricity and mail for granted. It can be a humbling, and important, reminder that thousands of dedicated individuals work hard to bring us our mail.

To end his emotional message of gratitude, the King remarked, “What you do, and the service you provide, makes such a difference to so many people – and we would truly be lost with you.” AssetWorks could not agree more – thank you for all that you do, Royal Mail!

Royal Mail has been an AssetWorks customer for 30 years this year, and we play a significant role keeping their fleets legal, compliant and roadworthy.

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